Covid-19 class guidance
At our face to face classes, we are following all the latest Government guidance in order to keep you safe. Here are some of the main points, with more detail provided when you book onto a session.
A full Risk Assessment is available for each community hall where classes are held, which can be seen on request.
Your instructor Clare, has completed industry standard Covid-19 awareness training - ReActivate Covid-19 Awareness course and EMD Instructor ready self-assessment.
Face masks must be worn when attending classes. These should be worn when you enter the building and can only be removed once you are settled in your workout area/on your mat.
You must provide your own mat and small equipment, details of which can be found under the class info page - Equipment for class.
In order to give everyone plenty of space when attending class, each member will have 3x3m of floor space.
There will no longer be hands-on correction, but instead verbal cues and demonstrations by your instructor.
If attending a Mat based class, the floor will be cleaned with disinfecting floor wipes at the beginning and end of each session.
When one class follows the next, there is a minimum 15 minute gap to ventilate the hall.
All touch points will be cleaned before and after class and doors will be open to avoid the need to touch handles.
Doors and windows will be open to allow ventilation within the hall.
Hand sanitiser stations are available throughout the building.
Members are asked not to gather before or after the class and to maintain social distancing as per government guidelines.
Members are asked to only bring what they need to class and leave all other personal belongings at home.
A Covid-19 waiver must be completed by each member before attending class and each member is expected to follow the latest government guidelines with regards to covid-19 contacts and self-isolation.